How to wear a wrap dress

If you are looking for versatile clothing, read this post to discover ideas on how to wear  our organic cotton wrap dress from Passion Lilie. 

wrap dress

What is organic cotton? 

Organic cotton is cotton that is grown organically with no pesticides or chemicals  or any synthetic agricultural fertilizers. When you invest in organic cotton it's a great way to keep harmful chemicals away from brushing your skin, and the cotton fabrics are also great for insulation and comfort.
When you wear cotton during warm weather the fibers absorb moisture from your skin and avoid you feeling sweaty, and in winter it helps maintain warmth because the fibers trap air and create a thermal insulation. That's why cotton is one of the most used fabrics in the world and it is also hypoallergenic and comfortable to wear all year long. Here are some ideas to wear a cotton wrap dress
Idea 1: Wear it with leggings and ankle boots

Leggings are great for layering during fall and winter, but you can also style it with jeans or just as a dress during spring and summer.

Idea 2: Wear it open with a tank top underneath

 Who doesn't love looking relaxed sometimes? If you just don't feel like wearing it as a dress use it open as a relaxed cardigan.

Idea 3: Layer a coat or blazer on top

If you want to add formality to your look you can just throw on a blazer or coat depending on the season to elevate your look and wear this dress to work or a formal event.

All of these ideas can be worn in warm or cold weather due to the versatility of organic cotton like we mentioned before, so don't be afraid to try out different ways to wear our dress.

 Thanks to our model Natalia from The Mindful Choice where she shares more sustainable style tips too. 

Invest in ethical fashion and natural materials 

Did you know that the fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world? We are living in an era where the decisions we make with our pockets can truly make a difference to our future. There are so many third world countries that suffer from all the consequences of fast fashion clothes ( cheap clothes mostly made out of polyester / plastic blends) and that is because we have gotten used to not paying the fair prices of fashion.
A fair price means that you will pay what a garment is truly worth, the cost of premium organic materials, a fair wage to the garment factory worker, and a price that meets the market competition.
At Passion Lilie we focus on committing to sustainability and fair trade practices in everything we do. Read more about us here.
What is a fair price to you? Think about this the next time you shop, and if you would like to fall in love with ethical fashion check out more of our clothing here!


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